Friday, February 6, 2009

Do Not Neglect Hospitality, For Through It Some Have Entertained Angels

Yesterday, I read about a high school student, the younger sister of the fellow who was telling the story. During her senior year, she applied for a scholarship at a major university. The final step in the application process was an interview with a trustee of the university. As she entered the office building where the meeting was to take place, she saw an older man kneeling in front of an office door, a couple of screws in one hand, and a screwdriver in the other. As he was leaning into the door, his trousers had slipped below his waist exposing the waistband of his skivvies, leaving a bit of his anatomy exposed.

The girl’s first impulse was to walk swiftly by and continue down the hallway to the office where her interview was to be held. But, sensing that the custodian might need a hand, she stopped, picked up a screw from the floor, gave it to the man, and offered to help. He declined the offer, and she went on her way, and soon was seated in the anteroom of the office. A few minutes later, she was called into the office and, must to her surprise, the man behind the desk was the one who had been fumbling with the door latch. He greeted her, thanked her again for helping him, and informed her that there was no need for her to be interviewed, as he knew all he needed to know about her, and then, he offered her the scholarship.

Today’s reading from the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us not to neglect hospitality, for through it some have unwittingly entertained angels. We can find happiness in the most commonplace of activities, so long as we remember to treat others as we would ourselves be treated. We are all sons and daughters of the LORD, let brotherly love prevail.

Based on a Daily Scripture Reflection from St. Monica Parish, Indianapolis, by Bob Einterz

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